
Remember Me by Lisa Takeuchi Cullen
Remember Me by Lisa Takeuchi Cullen

Remember Me by Lisa Takeuchi Cullen

Among the many offbeat memorials she unearths are funerals with Hawaiian, tango or Harley-Davidson themes, as well as beer-themed caskets, eco-friendly funerals, "human diamonds" manufactured from a loved one's ashes, and a Colorado town that celebrates a do-it-yourself cryonics pioneer with its Frozen Dead Guy Days Festival, now a major tourist attraction.

Remember Me by Lisa Takeuchi Cullen

Journalist Cullen explores the innumerable ways in which funerals are being personalized, publicized, economized, commercialized, trivialized and, perhaps, humanized. This intriguing survey of America's rapidly mutating funeral customs probes the one force mightier than death: consumerism.

Remember Me by Lisa Takeuchi Cullen