As members of the select group of reporters that cover the British Royal Family and their engagements, Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand have witnessed the young couple's lives as few outsiders can. For the very first time, FINDING FREEDOM goes beyond the headlines to reveal unknown details of Harry and Meghan's life together, dispelling the many rumours and misconceptions that plague the couple on both sides of the pond. But while the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have continued to make headlines from their engagement, wedding, and birth of their son Archie to their unprecedented decision to step back from their royal lives few know the true story of Harry and Meghan. When news of the budding romance between a beloved English prince and an American actress broke, it captured the world's attention and sparked an international media frenzy. Travel, Guides & Maps / Reis, Kaarte & Toerisme.Science & Geology / Wetenskap & Geologie.Popular Psychology / Populêre Sielkunde.Politics & History: Military / Politiek & Geskiedenis: Militer.Politics & History: Boer War / Politiek & Geskiedenis: Boere-oorlog.Language & Literature / Taal & Letterkunde.Parenting & Childcare / Ouerskap & Kindersorg.

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